Attaching a file in an Assessment

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Attach File

The DBRS Assessments allow you to attach files as reference information that may be requested from an ODIS Advisor. Attaching a file is undertaken though the notes functionality.

To attach a file in an assessment, the following actions can be undertaken.


1. Access your active assessment via the Self assessment or Assessments button on your Dashboard
2. Identify Question that requires a note
3. Add note details to Add new note field (e.g. “File attached”) note_added
4. Select the Paper Clip button. This step adds the attachement to the assessment Add
5. Select the File you wish to attach and,
6. Select Open fileupload
7. Select Save. This step updates the assessment to Save and include any new content and responses Save

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Last updated on 03 Jul 2024 at 10:51